To see the design features - look below:
Band Images Used:

Original Magazine Idea:

Tour Dates Poster
We decided on using this poster rather than the other one for a few main reasons. The first one is that it contains all the band members from the music video whilst the previous one only contains three out of the four. The second reason is that it contains the images we used for the front and the back of the cd cover, because of this it reminds people that there is also a CD so that they might consider going and buying it as well as making it a package rather than just three separate pieces of media. The final reason is that we believe that the layout and overall design is a lot nicer than the other one.
In addition, we've decided to add Social Networking sites to the poster. This way we're able to direct fans to one website for constant updates. Furthermore, we could potentially gain more fans, as they might look at the website's and decide they like the music or personality of the band.
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