Thursday, 16 December 2010

Audience Research - Website Results

We decided to post the music video onto a couple of forums, asking for their opinions on the video. The image below shows the result from the website,, which despite being a Gaming Website - does hold some valuable opinions. The typical member on the site is of around 18 years old, and generally speaking comes under the ABC1 category, which is exactly what we were aiming to target. In addition, the Halo scene has developed its own cult in movie production, with many people deciding to create 'gaming montages'. By having these editors' opinions, we are able to gain some valuable opinions on our video.

Please click to enlarge.

As you can see, the actual Poll results show some very successful outcomes. The video was generally speaking taken on board extremely well, and only a minor few disliked the video. Whilst the video didn't 100% result in people wanting to buy the song, that could be because of one of the following reasons:

A) Buy songs
B) Like the song itself
C) Already have the song

Furthermore, the result and popuality of the video could have resulted in it spreading (by them showing friends etc.) This could have ultimately resulted in more people viewing the video, and the potential sale of the song also increasing.

Three responses from the thread:

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Ancillary Texts - Magazine Poster (Tour Dates) and The Design Process

The Tour Dates Poster consists of features relating both to the CD design, and also the music video. For instance, the Poster contains a background filled with stars - this relates to the CD's Front and Back Cover. Furthermore, the Front and Back Cover are displayed on the Final Version of the Poster. This allows us to advertise multiple products for the band. In addition, the images of the band used were also used in the music video: this is our attempt at connecting the two products together.

To see the design features - look below:

Band Images Used:

Original Magazine Idea:

Tour Dates Poster

We decided on using this poster rather than the other one for a few main reasons. The first one is that it contains all the band members from the music video whilst the previous one only contains three out of the four. The second reason is that it contains the images we used for the front and the back of the cd cover, because of this it reminds people that there is also a CD so that they might consider going and buying it as well as making it a package rather than just three separate pieces of media. The final reason is that we believe that the layout and overall design is a lot nicer than the other one.

In addition, we've decided to add Social Networking sites to the poster. This way we're able to direct fans to one website for constant updates. Furthermore, we could potentially gain more fans, as they might look at the website's and decide they like the music or personality of the band.

Ancillary Texts - CD Inside Spread (Double Page Spread) and The Design Process

Inside Double Page

Whilst this may look very simplistic at first - we spent a long time searching through our photographs trying to decide the right images. We wanted to use photographs that were used in the music video, so that the video and artwork related definitely in some way. The black background also relates to the space theme we've used throughout the ancillary texts. The design features can be seen below.

Please Note: This is an Inside Spread which would be within the booklet of the CD artwork.

Guitar Edit:

Bass Edit:

Drums Edit:

Vocals Edit:

Final Image:

Ancillary Texts - CD Back Cover and The Design Process

Fortunately, the Back Cover didn't require as many programs - however, the actual design took far longer than expected. The amount of layers in this one and the edit to each layer far surpasses that of the Front Cover. Everything designed on the Back Cover was created in Photoshop (apart from the barcode and RHCP logo) - unlike the Front Cover, which used a photograph of clouds and the monkey image (manipulated however).

Back Cover Design:

The Back Cover

Ancillary Texts - CD Front Cover and The Design Process

CD Front Cover

The CD Front Cover contains multiple different processes. This is why there's plenty of screenshots, and why there's different programs involved. The screenshots shown below begin from the beginning features, up until the final product. To see the image in a bigger resolution, just click on it and it should direct you to a new tab.

The two images used and manipulated:

The Monkey Design:

The Space Background:

Final Cover Design: